Date: Friday, April 5

Amelia White knows how to capture the jagged ways that individuals fall in and out of love and hope. On Love I Swore she conveys the depth of loss that often flows out of broken promises. Produced by Kim Richey, who joins White on background vocals on many of the songs, Love I Swore moves from rollicking rockers to smooth pop grooves.” Henry Carrigan NO DEPRESSION

“From optimism and sheer bliss that graced the first few tracks and at least one along the way, the album grows incrementally despairing lyrically, yet the hook-filled and varied musical accompaniment keeps the listener engaged to White’s consistently potent and verbally direct songwriting. Only the best singer-songwriters have such a gift and White has proven again that she’s one of the few.” Jim Hynes GLIDE

Love I Swore is a testament to White’s powers of persuasion — that is, her ability to involve the listener and leave behind an emphatic impression. It’s everything a set of songs should be — personal, provocative and flush with earnest emotion. As a result, Amelia White has made a definitive statement and also the most defining album of her career. The love she swears to is clearly evident throughout. (by Lee Zimmerman- THE ALTERNATE ROOT

Artist website:  Amelia White


Date: Friday, April 5
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Lincolnwood, IL

*Select “Friends & Family” and please specify your payment is for Amelia White. Include your e-mail address, cell phone number, and attendees’ names. Suggested minimum donation is $25 per attendee. All money received for donations and merchandise goes to the musician.

Doors open at 6:00 pm, music begins at 7:00 pm.

RSVP here.